Thursday, March 21, 2013

Yes, yes they do!

so get out there and SWEAT!

SitUps to Six Pack

SitUps to Six Pack is an amazing 0 to 200+ sit ups training program that will lead you to get toned and shaped abs. It is specifically designed to help you get the abs you want by assisting you to accomplish 200+ sit-ups at one shot from zero in just 9 weeks! This is a free app that you can download to your ipad or iphone. Each workout session last 15-20 minutes and have been developed by fitness professionals. Just turn on some music, open the app and start a workout! What do you have to lose? (but weight..!)

Thanks, Dave Widd, for the awesome recommendation!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Well, it's officially the first day of SPRING and that means short sleeves and bikinis are on their way! If you're looking for a quick way to get toned arms for your special night out, check out this routine. Repeat a few times and you'll be ready to show off those muscles!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Lucky Mudder

CONGRATULATIONS to Gary Buckles in Nashville who not only completed his first Lucky Mudder 5K, but came in 9th overall in his age group!! Way to go, Gary!! YOU ROCK!

Friday, March 8, 2013


What is Quinoa? Pronounced keen-wa, it is similar to a whole grain but in fact a seed. It has 9 essential amino acids making it a complete protein and great for vegetarians and vegans especially. It was first cultivated in South America thousands of years ago in the Andes Mountains but is finally making a comeback in 2013!

Nutritional Facts: 1/3 cup of cooked quinoa has 160 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 3 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein

Why is this your new favorite food?
  1. It takes less time to cook than whole grains - only 10-15 minutes!
  2. It tastes delicious even on its own (unlike plain rice or barley)
  3. It is HEALTHY! Quinoa is gluten-free, cholesterol free and kosher!
Where can I buy quinoa? Any natural foods store will carry it either in the bulk bins or the baking section but lots of main stream grocery stores such as HEB now carry it too!

How do I cook quinoa? Prepare quinoa as you would prepare rice. Cover it with water or vegetable broth until soft, about 15 minutes. Or, place 1 part quinoa to 2 parts water in your rice cooker.

Quinoa Recipes!

Body Media

Losing weight is not easy. Gimmicks, gadgets and fads almost always fail. Success requires accurate, personalized information. That's what you get with BodyMedia FIT. The power to improve weight loss by 3X. The power to achieve your goals. The power to be the healthiest you possible.

Renate Cormier in Minneapolis has started using Body Media to track her success. She can now track her weight and calorie intake, physical activity and sleep! She HIGHLY recommends it if you want on point data to keep you motivated in meeting your goals. PLUS if you order it online, you get free shipping and 3 months free access to login.

B FIT FEEL FAB guest speaker

 If you missed our monthly check-in call today, we had guest speaker, Brianna Letzelter bring some much needed energy and motivation to our call. Brianna is a Fitness & Health Blogger and Motivator from New York City who is passionate about helping people meet their goals and feel great doing it. She started her "B FIT FEEL FAB" blog in January of 2013 and has tons of recipes, ideas, quotes and stories to keep you motivated and on the path to a healthier life. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter too! 

Thanks, Brianna, for joining our CR Biggest Winners call!!